As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Still No News

I went for my weekly check-up this afternoon, and Dr. Stradtman says Sara is still very comfortable where she is. So, no progress to report. This is deja vu...Hallie also made initial progress and then decided to camp out until she was good and ready.

Of course, to hear any old woman in an elevator, my office, or basically anywhere else, tell it, I'm going to have this baby just any day. Why don't they just come out and say, "You're so big, there's no way you can get much bigger. You must be about to have that baby!" I am not sure what it is about a pregnant belly that compels all strangers to comment, but I am so grateful to the occasional stranger who rides from floor 3 to floor 9 without a word.

Perhaps I should get a shirt that says something along the lines of, "Thank you for your sensitivity in not staring, touching, or commenting on my large pregnant belly." Although I'm not convinced that would have much effect...

UPDATE: My friend Ricky sent me an email with this shirt this morning (If it's too small for you to read, it says, "No, really, pregnant women just LOVE it when you tell them how BIG they look!"). Apparently I'm not the first to have this sentiment.


The Groves said...

Where do you get such a t-shirt? That is fantastic! I'm sorry there is no progress. I'm sure it's just because you provide such a cozy place for Sara to hang out.

Courtney said...

seriously, I totally had that same experience, it's just weird how all the sudden everyone has something to say! sheesh! :)

Unknown said...

Trust me, I know exactly how you feel! It's like people have never seen a pregnant women before. I am not sure if Pep or Anna told you, but we are scheduled for a c-section on july 24! I hope our littles come sooner though :) I know you are as ready as we are!!!