As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Big Sis

I have to brag on my little helper this morning. Although Hallie is catapulting into toddlerhood (and thereby earning nicknames like "Hurricane Hallie" and "Wild Woman"), she is still such a sweetheart. She is figuring out her role as the big sister, and has been very loving and gentle (as gentle as a toddler can be, anyway) to Sara. She likes to look at her occasionally and stroke her head and then go back to running around.

This morning she went to the coffee table, where Sara's burp cloth was sitting. I told her that the cloth was Sara's. So, Hallie took the burp cloth over to Sara's cradle to give it to her. And yesterday when I explained that the pacifier Hallie had in her mouth belonged to Sara, she took it out of her mouth, walked over to Sara's bouncy seat and put it back where it belonged. This was a truly monumental feat for a little girl who is somewhat attached to her pacifier and is working through the idea that she can only have one when she goes to bed these days.

I am very proud of Hallie's adjustment so far, even though I'm sure there will still be a few kinks in the works along the way. It makes me happy to think that my girls will be so close and share so much.


Heather said...

What a sweet sweet baby!!! I'm so proud of that little Halliebug!!!

kristin sullivan said...

for some reason this just made me tear sweet! There really is nothing like a sister :)