As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Being Optimistic

We decided to go ahead and dress Hallie in her "I'm the Big Sister" shirt today--in hopes that she actually becomes a big sister before the day is over!


*Jill* said...

I sure hope it happens for you and Jason today, Anita!! I'm praying for you all. Too bad Sara didn't decide to come yesterday, it was my birthday ;)
love to all!!

The Groves said...

I LOVE the shirt!!! Can't wait to see Sara in her little sister onesie!

Aimee said...

is that a remote in her hand? I'm sure Hallie is going to be a very loving big sister.

Anita Kay said...

Oh, that's either Papa's or her Daddy's cell phone in her hand. It's their go-to when she's fussing for any reason, and it's pretty foolproof!