As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Head Christmas in Boaz

We went to Boaz on Saturday for the annual Head Christmas, and there was a great turnout!  Jason won the real prize and got to sit at the kids' table.  I am pleased to report that both Jason AND all the children survived this meal.

Most of our girls wore bright pink.  Apparently it's a new official Christmas color.  Really--when Hallie names Christmas colors she includes it, and I haven't corrected her.

Bless Ben's heart.  He got some really cool robots and action figures, which officially made him Coolest Cousin and therefore Keeper of the Little Cousins.  He was such a good sport.

Our segment of the Heads...

And of course Hallie and Chuck.  She's still his biggest fan.

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