As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, December 21, 2012

CEP Christmas Program

Sara bounced into our room this morning announcing that this is the Day of Her Program!  (For any Waiting for Guffman fans out there, "It's the Day of the Show, Y'all!"  I know you were thinking it too.)  And indeed it is.  We trekked down to Tuscaloosa this morning so that we could watch S and B sing their Christmas songs.  Brooks's class wore jammies, but Sara's class got a little more gussied up.

Incidentally, I had nearly convinced myself by the time we got down there that I made up the jammie thing entirely and my son was going to be That Tall Kid From Birmingham Who Wore Thomas Pajamas to the Christmas Program.  I breathed quite a sigh of relief when we walked into his room and everyone else had on their pjs too.  After unwrapping myself from his death grip and assuring him I was only a room away getting ready to video his big performance, Brooks finally joined his classmates to get ready.

Turns out maybe he needed a little more time.  And a Kleenex.  I am thrilled that you cannot hear me dying of laughter in this video, because I had a hard time getting it together.  Also, be sure not to miss the height difference between B and his neighbor to the right.

After that stunning performance, it was hard to believe there was more in store.  But thankfully the 4 year olds acted like they'd been in public before, and I got a video of at least part of each song.

(Although I charged the batteries, took extra batteries, and completely cleaned off my memory card before we left, Brooks's pouting apparently used up almost all of my memory card and I need a bigger one.  I really can't win.  So you have one song on the camera and the rest on the trusty blurry iphone.  But I'm MUCH closer to S than we were to H, so at least you can see her.  Sigh.)  So without further ado...

And here we transfer to the phone. One day I'm gonna get it together.  Probably around the time I have grandchildren. So at least they'll have good videos.

 This one's a little slow. I liked the kid yawning during it. I felt his pain.


And then we have the grand finale, where all the kids sang. Except Brooks. Who just sat there looking like he's never heard We Wish You a Merry Christmas before. I assure you that is not the case. He knows the Muppets' version, complete with "Piggy Pudding?!" quite well.


Brooks did manage to perk up slightly for the after-party, where he ate a total of one peach slice and a little chex mix.  Not his best day.

But, as he would tell you, he was handsome.  To which you would respond, "Yes you were."

Here he is with Meme, who threatens to steal him every once in a while.  I love this lady.  (And I know she'd give him back pretty fast...)

We also attended my big girl's party. She didn't want a picture with her teachers, who are also wonderful, because she declared it time to go home.  But here she is enjoying the festivities.

We are now home, and the kids (and Daddy) are napping soundly.  It has been a full day and it's just 2:00!

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