As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Forgive the lack of posts this week. It's been a little busy...
Sara went to the pediatrician this week for her two week checkup, and she seems to be doing well. She weighs 9 lbs, 13 oz., and she is 22 1/4 inches long. This puts her above the 90% in both categories. The doctor said she looked good--and not jaundiced at all. So, we were pleased.
Hallie started school as a Toddler on Monday, and I'm happy to report that she has adjusted very well. She loves her new teacher, and her classmates seem very sweet. She has been napping on a little cot like a big girl (Jason and I were placing bets as to whether she'd go for this, but it appears that Miss Toni has a magic tuck-in system that convinced Hallie to go to sleep instead of getting up and wandering during nap time). Unfortunately, the one nap per day doesn't seem to be sufficient for her--she's a little tired and cranky by the time she gets home in the afternoon. But hopefully she will get used to it as the year goes by.
Hallie has stayed home from school two days this week because she wasn't feeling well. But she was feeling fine by the time she went to bed tonight. And I even managed to get both of the girls through Publix and home by myself today, which was no small feat!
So, that's the latest with us. I'll do my best to get some pictures on here soon--Sara gets more beautiful by the day, and I can't wait to post a recent photo!

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