As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Night Out on the Town

Maybe I should title this post "Late Afternoon Out on the Town." With our little ones, a "night on the town" ends promptly at 7:30 pm. Regardless, we had fun tonight. We went to eat sushi at a Thai restaurant and then walked across the street for some ice cream.

James and Heather met us for ice cream. You can see Hallie multitasking in one of these pictures--eating her ice cream, while keeping her eyes firmly planted on Uncle James. And then you can see him chasing her around and keeping her off the furniture in the last picture. That's a pretty accurate portrayal of our outing to the ice cream parlor.

Sara, to her credit, slept through the whole event. (Although she's currently making up for lost time, as she tends to have her fussy periods later in the evening.)
As for me, yes, I really am as tired as I look in the picture. :) But we're surviving, and I very much enjoyed getting out with my sweet family. My favorite part of the night was the ride home, during which Hallie and Jason created a game. Jason would say, "Hallieeeee." And Hallie would respond in a little singsong voice, "Daddddyyyyyyy." And on and on they went. She was entirely amused, and Jason and I couldn't help but laugh.

1 comment:

kristin sullivan said...

ok so I know miss sara's getting most of the attention lately (and she deserves it! She's only been here foe 3 weeks and she's gorgeous!) but I do have to say...hallie just might be the cutest thing ever :)