As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Today we'll be celebrating paper clips!

Maybe it's just the places I've worked, but I have noticed a direct correlation between an office job and an increase in my cake consumption. It seems we always have some cake-worthy event to celebrate. Someone's always having a birthday, having a baby, or leaving. Of course, there are holidays as well. And all are cause for dessert!

I assume most offices are this way. That's why we all laugh so hard at poor Milton, who just wants some cake.

I am definitely not complaining about this phenomenon. But I'm going to have to find some time to exercise before I become wider than my desk chair.


Anonymous said...

That is so true! One of the first things they said to me the other day at my new job was "I hope you like to eat." Apparently working in finances, people like to feed you a lot...not that I'm complaining.
It would be a lot easier to take, however, if I had a few more aerobic moments at work. Spinning around in an office chair is hardly exercise.
Although funny you should mention Milton because I actually saw the words "TPS report" on something the other day. I thought it was a joke but it REALLY IS a report of some sort. No clue yet as to what it is...I'll let you know :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, I gained about 20 pounds when I started working in an office. Apparently the only cure for "cubicle chubbiness" is having an office diet contest, and then it only works if you're psycho competitive and struggling to make rent....