As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend Quotes

Planning Ahead

Yesterday in Target.  Buying new socks for the girls because the washing machine eats theirs.

Hallie, pointing excitedly:  Mommy look!  They have bras for kids!

Mommy:  Yes, Hallie.  For much, much bigger girls than you.

Hallie, after considering for a moment:  Well when I'm big can I have a purple one with pink straps?

Mommy sighs audibly, grabs socks, and pushes the cart briskly down the aisle.


The church nursery, picking up Brooks after the late service this morning.  I entered to find Brooks sitting in time out.

Brooks, wide-eyed and announcing:  Mommy, I was a lotta bad.

Brooks's teacher just nods her head wearily.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

it seems at least a plus that Brooks was fully aware, how did you not crack up a bit at that admission? :)