As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Silent Treatment

Sara would have made a great Chinese dissident. She can stage a serious sit-in protest. I don't even remember what this one was about.

The shaky camera work is Jason laughing while filming.

NOTE: The shiner on Sara's eye is the result of a fall she took at school. She has not been involved in any recent bar fights...that we know of.

Sara has had a rough couple of weeks. She was teething all last week and ran a fever the whole time. And then there's the adjustment to baby brother. She seems to be having a delayed adjustment period. Hallie went ahead and got her attention-seeking fits out of the way the first few weeks after we came home, and now that she has moved on and is almost back to her old self, Sara has started wanting to be carried at all times and throwing big fits when she doesn't get her way. I just keep reminding myself that this, like Hallie's adjustment, is just a phase and will pass. She is such a sweet girl, and it's evident that she misses being the baby.

1 comment:

The Groves said...

This really made me laugh. She's so stubborn and I have NO IDEA who in the world she inherited that from...