As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Little Man Update

Brooks had his 2-month checkup today.  He weighed in at 14 pounds even, and he's 25 inches long (97th percentile on both).  His head circumference is in the 50th percentile.  So, he's still growing like a weed!  Dr. Anderson declared his growth "impressive" and said he looked great. 

We did have to get four shots, but Brooks was fairly cooperative about this.  He screamed but let it go pretty quickly with a little cuddling.  He didn't seem to have any side effects after the shots either--hopefully there won't be a delayed reaction tomorrow.

In other news, Brooks is the Sleeper of the Year at my house.  Last night he slept from 9 to 6, when we had to WAKE HIM UP to get him ready to go to the doctor!  To say this is unprecedented in our infants is an understatement.  He has slept exactly 9 hours the last three nights in a row, and I am crossing all my fingers and toes that he can keep this going for his first full week at school and my first week back at work next week! 

It is hard to believe how quickly these eight weeks have flown by, and how fast he is growing up.  He is having more and more "wake time," and he actually seems to like his play mat now that he really studies the little things hanging from it...and even reaches for them sometimes.  He coos every once in a while, and I am still waiting on a big gummy grin all over his face, but he has given Jason a few little smiles.  (They've all smiled at him first...either they like him more or he's just funnier looking...I'll let you guess which one I believe.)  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a big boy! I can't believe it's already time for you to go back to work. It's really flown by! And he doesn't like Jason more - Jason's just funnier lookin! :) (This is heather, btw, signed in under james' account.)