As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Carb-Free and Cranky

Well, I did it. I started the dreaded Atkins diet today. My husband, longtime follower of the regimen, made me swear that, if I did the diet, I would not complain about the utter lack of carbs (and therefore pasta, chocolate, Girl Scout cookies, and everything else with flavor) in my life. Of course, he did this because I have been known to join him on this diet before, only to make us both completely miserable.

So, I am now in a carbless haze. But the good news is, if I can lose ten pounds, I can move to the next phase, where I can add "nuts and berries" to my meals...yippee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The Count of Monte Carbo now has a Countess!!!

You know the only thing better than meat and potatoes is meat and...meat! :)