As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, July 15, 2011

VBS Program

We attended the Vacation Bible School Family Night on Thursday night at the kids' school.  Hallie's class participated in the musical portion of the program, where they sang sweet songs like this...

(Notice the boys behind H who seem to have, um, lost interest?)

By a few songs later, the lack of attention turned to total chaos.  Caution:  what you are about to see may hurt your ears and make you dizzy.

This video is a gem (despite the shaky camera work due to laughter) for a few reasons:
1.  My little performer continues doing the moves in the midst of pandemonium.  I'm so proud.
2.  I am keeping this video in case either of the boys behind her makes it big.  Or ends up in prison.  Either way, it'll be nice to remember when...
3.  I have absolutely no idea what any of the words to this song are, and I don't think anyone else does either.

I am off to see old friends now (friends of old, not friends who are old...because that would make ME old).  But boy do I have a Sara story to tell soon!  Stay tuned...

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