As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Statistics and More

I'm late posting this (and yes, I have sort of taken a mini-vacation from the blog for the past couple of weeks...but Sara's birthday party AND Brooks's baptism and brunch will be here in two weeks, so I promise I'll more than make up for it.  I do not, however, promise to appear in those pictures as I will most certainly have some serious bags under my eyes that weekend).  Jason took Brooks for his 4 month checkup, and he looks as awesome as ever.

At four months, Little Man weighed 18 lbs, 14 oz and was 27 1/4" long (that's well over the two foot mark for those keeping track at home).  No, I'm not making this up.  This puts him in the 97th percentile yet again.  He's pretty consistent about that number.  I tried to do a little research today as to where this would put him on a "grown up" growth chart, and it turns out grown ups don't care too much about percentiles.  Other than finding out that the average American male is something like 5' 10", I didn't find much.  I did find a height predictor based on his parents' height, and it predicts 6' 1 1/2 " -- just about perfect, if you ask his momma. 

In other news, this week alone we have replaced an alternator (for the second time in a month), had an air conditioner pump cleaned out, asked my dad to borrow his shop vac to clean up the flood from said a/c problem, and the new car started making funny noises that will have to be checked out.  So, if you see us in the near future we are highly likely to have a crazed look in our far I'm pleased to report that we haven't killed each other.  So far.  :)

UPDATE:  Just found a height predictor using Brooks's stats.  It says 6 feet, 2 and a half inches.  

UPDATE:  A few short days after this post I wrecked said new car and now have whiplash and a car with no airbag.  Awesome.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

I'm thinking you may need a new nickname for Brooks - he has already outgrown "Little Man"! What a big, cuddly sweetheart:).