As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Monday, July 19, 2010


At supper this Evening.

Hallie (speaking gibberish): ...first to God...

Mommy:  What, Hallie?

Hallie (more gibberish and then):...first to God...

Mommy:  Hallie, what does that mean?

Hallie (condescending tone):  Can you say "first"?

(We didn't get very far after that.  Clearly I was too dumb to get whatever she was saying.)

Scene Two.  Driving to school. "Zaccheus was a wee little man" playing in the background.

Hallie:  Mommy, Miss Malania can't say 'Zaccheus.'

Mommy:  What do you mean, Hallie?  Why can't she say it?

Hallie:  I don't know.  She says 'Zacche-uh.' And I look at her and say 'Zacche-USSS.'

(I almost had to pull over I was laughing so hard at this scene playing out in my head.  This surprised Hallie, as she was absolutely serious about this predicament.  I wonder if Malania has ever bothered to tell Hallie that she doesn't know everything.  This news would fall on deaf ears, of course.  So perhaps she considers it a lost cause and is amused.  That's my strategy.)

1 comment:

Heather said... know, Hallie IS right about that. And I'm glad she already appreciates good annunciation!!