As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

A Paci Report (Mostly for the Grandparents' Sake)

I am pleased to report that both of my girlies slept all night without pacifiers last night and that the going-to-bed-debacle wasn't such a debacle. Yay!

Hallie is very proud of herself, so be sure and ask her about it if you see her. She will tell you that pacis are for "her" baby, Brooks, and that SHE is a big girl. I think Sara is a little more annoyed with us about it, but she's adjusting too. We decided it made sense to take both big girls' pacifiers away at the same time to avoid confusion and jealousy. (Poor Sara--it's rough being a big girl at one year old. But her sister survived the same fate, so I'm sure she'll make it.)


Mike Head said...

Thank you for the report and I am so proud of those girls. Give them big hugs for me and I am glad you are not having to travel tomorrow. Love to you all. Nana

Rob and Bethany said...

the speech therapist in me says, "Good Job!!!" Go away paci's!!