As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Flirt

I was driving the girls to school this morning and was putting on my makeup at a stoplight (listening to a rather loud rendition of Father Abraham of course) when I heard a truck honk. I looked up to see if the light had changed, but it hadn't. And then I looked in the back seat. Sara was sitting in her car seat grinning and waving to the truck driver sitting next to us at the light, and he was grinning and waving back. I chuckled.

A minute later I looked back and she was playing peekaboo with him.

The light finally changed, and I told her to tell him bye-bye. So, of course, she blew him a kiss.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

awesome! Who could resist her sweet smile?