As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
My Lord, What a Morning.
We've had a pretty full day at our house, and it's not even lunchtime.
About 2 am last night, we saw that the light was on in the girls' room. Jason discovered that Hallie was holding Sara and rubbing her Sara's crib. Apparently Sara was crying, so Hallie hopped into her crib and flipped on the light and tried to comfort her. We took Hallie into our room to sleep/kick her Daddy to pieces and let Sara go back to sleep in her room. Sometime between then and this morning, Hallie got out of our bed and went back to hers. We know this because at 5:45 am the light flipped on again, and there was Hallie in Sara's crib waking Sara up. My poor little exhausted Sara Bee.
On to breakfast, where Hallie spilled an entire chocolate milk EVERYWHERE and then proceeded to walk in it and track it around the kitchen.
Then to the bath, where Sara pooped in the tub. Unfortunately, this was not discovered until her daddy had already bathed her in poop-water, so she had to be retrieved from the tub, the tub cleaned, and the girls bathed all over again.
I took Hallie to school, which was blessedly uneventful except for her quote of the day. I told her it was Pizza Day at school (which is every Thursday, but she still gets excited every week). Her response? She sang "hallelujah."
Jason took Sara to the doctor for her 18 month checkup, where he learned that apparently babies are also supposed to have a 15 month checkup. Oops. That means we missed a round of vaccines and are now a little'd think we could remember such things since we JUST did them with Hallie, but I guess not. Sara got her 15 month shots today, along with a seasonal flu shot, and Dr. Anderson told us to just bring her when we bring Brooks and she can get the 18 month round. THAT should be a fun day...
Anyway, he said she looks great. He gave us some prescription lotion for her sad little eczema spots on her skin. So hopefully that will help. Here are her stats:
She is 33 inches tall, which is the 75th percentile. She weighs 25 pounds, 6 ounces, which is the 70th percentile. Her head circumference is 18 1/2 inches, which is also in the 70th percentile. So, to my thinking, that's just about perfect. :)
There you have it. Our Thursday morning. Just another day in paradise...
About 2 am last night, we saw that the light was on in the girls' room. Jason discovered that Hallie was holding Sara and rubbing her Sara's crib. Apparently Sara was crying, so Hallie hopped into her crib and flipped on the light and tried to comfort her. We took Hallie into our room to sleep/kick her Daddy to pieces and let Sara go back to sleep in her room. Sometime between then and this morning, Hallie got out of our bed and went back to hers. We know this because at 5:45 am the light flipped on again, and there was Hallie in Sara's crib waking Sara up. My poor little exhausted Sara Bee.
On to breakfast, where Hallie spilled an entire chocolate milk EVERYWHERE and then proceeded to walk in it and track it around the kitchen.
Then to the bath, where Sara pooped in the tub. Unfortunately, this was not discovered until her daddy had already bathed her in poop-water, so she had to be retrieved from the tub, the tub cleaned, and the girls bathed all over again.
I took Hallie to school, which was blessedly uneventful except for her quote of the day. I told her it was Pizza Day at school (which is every Thursday, but she still gets excited every week). Her response? She sang "hallelujah."
Jason took Sara to the doctor for her 18 month checkup, where he learned that apparently babies are also supposed to have a 15 month checkup. Oops. That means we missed a round of vaccines and are now a little'd think we could remember such things since we JUST did them with Hallie, but I guess not. Sara got her 15 month shots today, along with a seasonal flu shot, and Dr. Anderson told us to just bring her when we bring Brooks and she can get the 18 month round. THAT should be a fun day...
Anyway, he said she looks great. He gave us some prescription lotion for her sad little eczema spots on her skin. So hopefully that will help. Here are her stats:
She is 33 inches tall, which is the 75th percentile. She weighs 25 pounds, 6 ounces, which is the 70th percentile. Her head circumference is 18 1/2 inches, which is also in the 70th percentile. So, to my thinking, that's just about perfect. :)
There you have it. Our Thursday morning. Just another day in paradise...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Few Party Pics...Shamelessly Stolen from Juju's Blog

Sunday, January 24, 2010
And, We're Back.
After two weeks that have included a double ear infection for H, teething for S, a seriously nasty cold for Mommy and S, and a stomach bug for everyone (of which Daddy got the worst), we are officially back in business, Good Lord willing. And it's a good thing, because this week promises to be a doozy workwise for Mommy and Daddy.
Next weekend, we have a date with Gigi and Grumpy to work on Brooks's nursery! Yay! I can't wait to post pictures, so keep an eye out for them.
In other news, I have decided to sell some of the girls' clothes in a consignment sale next month (don't worry, Iss and Juju--I'm keeping all the really cute stuff in case you happen to need it!). Should be fun to see if I can make enough money to purchase a spring wardrobe for Hallie and some extra things for Brooks and Sara (who have the benefit of hand-me-downs from Hallie and Charlie). Fingers crossed!
That's about all I know. Wishing everyone a good, germ-free week!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Flirt
I was driving the girls to school this morning and was putting on my makeup at a stoplight (listening to a rather loud rendition of Father Abraham of course) when I heard a truck honk. I looked up to see if the light had changed, but it hadn't. And then I looked in the back seat. Sara was sitting in her car seat grinning and waving to the truck driver sitting next to us at the light, and he was grinning and waving back. I chuckled.
A minute later I looked back and she was playing peekaboo with him.
The light finally changed, and I told her to tell him bye-bye. So, of course, she blew him a kiss.
A minute later I looked back and she was playing peekaboo with him.
The light finally changed, and I told her to tell him bye-bye. So, of course, she blew him a kiss.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Long Weekend
We went to Cookeville for the weekend to celebrate Charlie's 1st birthday. We had a great time, and I'm hoping to snag some pictures from Julie later in the week. :)
We joined the masses at the park yesterday afternoon. It was a beautiful day and the girls had a great time--even if we did have to leave a little early because their sick ol' Mommy starting coughing. Archie was a huge hit, of course, and Sara is getting to an age where she can really play on the playground equipment, which makes it all the more fun. We'll definitely have to do some more of this in the spring and summer.
Oh, and do you like the sunglasses? Both girls wore them into school this morning and cracked their teachers up.
Oh, and do you like the sunglasses? Both girls wore them into school this morning and cracked their teachers up.
Silly Girls at Pat Pat and Granddaddy's House
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
A Paci Report (Mostly for the Grandparents' Sake)
I am pleased to report that both of my girlies slept all night without pacifiers last night and that the going-to-bed-debacle wasn't such a debacle. Yay!
Hallie is very proud of herself, so be sure and ask her about it if you see her. She will tell you that pacis are for "her" baby, Brooks, and that SHE is a big girl. I think Sara is a little more annoyed with us about it, but she's adjusting too. We decided it made sense to take both big girls' pacifiers away at the same time to avoid confusion and jealousy. (Poor Sara--it's rough being a big girl at one year old. But her sister survived the same fate, so I'm sure she'll make it.)
Hallie is very proud of herself, so be sure and ask her about it if you see her. She will tell you that pacis are for "her" baby, Brooks, and that SHE is a big girl. I think Sara is a little more annoyed with us about it, but she's adjusting too. We decided it made sense to take both big girls' pacifiers away at the same time to avoid confusion and jealousy. (Poor Sara--it's rough being a big girl at one year old. But her sister survived the same fate, so I'm sure she'll make it.)
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Long Night Ahead
We put Hallie to bed without a pacifier for the first time tonight. So far she's gotten out of bed three times. And she's been down for about 35 minutes. Sigh...
THE Ant Eater
Hallie has been telling me for a few weeks now that she is "the ant eater." I have just smiled, nodded, and attributed her ant eater fetish to the Noah story in her little Bible, which for some reason includes a picture of an ant eater/aardvark (is there a difference?) on the ark...until my epiphany this week, when I realized she was calling herself the ant eater when we were walking somewhere and she was in front of me. Apparently, "ant eater" = "line leader." Of course!
Saturday, January 02, 2010
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