As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Vocal Pedagogy and an Alter Ego

On our way to school earlier this week, we were singing a song from "The Bench" (a.k.a. The Grinch--the Dr. Seuss cartoon version), which is quickly becoming one of Hallie's favorite things to watch. In addition to being told which song to sing, I was instructed to "sing tall, Mommy." I can only attribute this to Mr. Berg. Hallie sat in on a few minutes of a boys choir rehearsal a few weeks ago, and that had to be where she heard this.

In other Grinchy news, Hallie thinks that "Cindy Lou Who" looks like her (they both have blue eyes, she'll be quick to tell you). So much so that she has dubbed Cindy "Pink Hallie" because she wears a pink dress.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hahahaha! Now I'm gonna have to come watch The Bench with real Hallie :)