As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Quotable Chaos

On our drive back home today, the girls slept for about an hour or hour and a half--which was great, but certainly not most of the trip. Overall, it went well, but we did have a few chaotic moments. We also had some very funny moments...
Hallie (for the millionth time): Mommy! Where is my baby doll?
Mommy (in sing-song-you're-driving-me-crazy-voice): I don't kno-ow!
Hallie (in identical sing-song voice and pitch): Well, it's in here so-omewhere!
And, after Jason had asked Sara what various animals "say," and after receiving the same "rrrahr" response every time (she'll tell you that's what a bunny says if you ask her)...
Jason: Sara, what does Mommy say?
Sara: rrrahr
Jason: What does Daddy say?
Hallie, piping in: Hee-haw!

1 comment:

The Groves said...

I always knew Hallie was wise beyond her years...