As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Girl Rooms

Hallie and Sara got promoted today! This means that Sara now has our beloved Miss Toni, and Hallie has moved into Miss Malania's class with her friends. I was anticipating/dreading the move for Hallie, as I knew it would be hard to understand why Sara-and not Hallie-was going to Toni's room. So, we've been talking it up for about a week and a half now.

Hallie did better than expected this morning, although she did say after being in her new room for a few minutes, "I want to go to my class." And then she pointed to Toni's class (which is directly across the hall, unfortunately for Sara). I convinced her that her new room was where she needed to be and that it wasn't so bad. We'll see if Miss Malania managed to keep her out of Toni's room all day, though.

In her new room, Hallie will start potty training. I think she is more than ready, as she asks to go to the potty every once in a while anyway. It's just a matter of helping her with the timing now. Although I'm not exactly looking forward to this process, I AM looking forward to buying (and changing) one less box of diapers!

Sara's big promotion means 3 things for her: (1) she gets to go on the playground almost every day, (2) going on the playground means she has to wear shoes, which may be a little bit of a battle for Miss Toni, and (3) she has to nap on a napper and cot only once a day from 12 to 2. The last change is going to be the biggest. I have warned Toni that Sara will be sleepy and grumpy long before noon arrives, but Toni assured me they will be fine...we'll see.

An update to follow after Jason picks them up...

1 comment:

The Groves said...

So it is spelled Malania huh? Who knew? Hope everything went well. Can't wait for the update!