As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Yesterday at lunch, Hallie decided that she would wipe her milk all over the table. Despite Miss Toni's instructions to stop it, Hallie dipped her napkin in her milk cup and proceeded to wipe it on the table. Miss Toni took Hallie's cup away and poured out her milk.
A couple of minutes later, Miss Vicki (a supervisor at the school, and Toni's boss) came by to check on the room as she typically does at lunchtime. Hallie walked to the doorway and said, "Vicki, you ok?" (Miss Vicki always asks if they're ok, and lately Hallie has taken to beating her to the punch.) Vicki said, "Yes, Hallie, I'm ok. Are you ok?" Hallie put her hands on her hips and said, "Mad Toni." Vicki asked why she was mad at Toni, and Hallie explained, "Milk Gone!" She reiterated her frustration later in the day by telling several people that she was "Mad [at] Toni."
Toni exclaimed this morning, "She TOLD on me yesterday!" Dear goodness.

1 comment:

The Groves said...

Funny that Jason told me she was "cleaning the table" with her milk. I thought she was just trying to be toddler fashion. I'm glad you clarified that she was just wiping her milk all over the table. That girl is something else!