As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

H is for Hallie

Whenever Hallie sees an H--anywhere--she announces proudly, "H is for Hallie!" When we were driving home from Lowe's last weekend, she saw a blue hospital "H" sign outside the car, and informed us that H is for Hallie. (It gets a little tricky figuring out just where she's seeing the H sometimes.)
Also, this morning, Miss Toni told me that I forgot to tell Hallie I loved her before I left her at school yesterday. Miss Toni knew this because Hallie realized it right after I left and went to the door of her room, stuck her head into the hallway, and yelled, "Mommy, love you SO much!" several times. As Miss Toni pointed out, it's probably a good thing I didn't hear her, because there's no way I could've gone to work after that.

1 comment:

The Groves said...

Aw that is so cute. I think I would have cried if I heard Charlie say that. Ok really i probably would have cried if I heard Hallie saying it to sweet!