As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sleepy Head

Sara gave us a break on Wednesday night and surprised us by sleeping the whole night! Eight hours! Unfortunately, she did not repeat the feat last night. But Wednesday was a very bright glimmer of hope that maybe she will sleep all the way through the night on a regular basis in the near future. Sara is way ahead of Hallie in this department (she didn't sleep all the way through the night till she was almost 5 months old), and given Hallie's propensity to sleep these days I'm very hopeful that we will have long, uninterrupted, peaceful nights at our house in a couple of months. We will see...

1 comment:

The Groves said...

I'm so glad you guys got a full night's sleep! I know that that is such a feat for a two month old. Hope you are all doing well!