As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Ice Cream!

We went to the neighborhood ice cream shop with Aunt Heather and Uncle James tonight. Hallie had the blue cotton candy flavor because it was the brightest ice cream they had (last time she decided to forego the chocolate ice cream in favor of the strawberry sorbet, not because she prefers strawberry flavors, but purely because it was pink). Notice the mess on Daddy's shirt...
For those of you thinking, "Wow--they go for ice cream a lot," I have no defense. Guilty as charged. An ice cream outing offers several benefits: (1) we get out of the house, (2) ice cream is involved, (3) it is a short enough activity that Hallie doesn't get bored, and (4) we're generally not the only rowdy table in the joint.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Who are those tired looking girls? Do you know them??