As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Nap, Anyone?

Well, we're pitiful again today. Hallie was sent home from school with a 100.6 fever. (We think it is just a reaction to the slew of shots she got yesterday.) So, Mommy came home too. And Hallie and Archie have basically been sleeping away the afternoon. Hallie took a two and a half hour nap right when we got home. She woke up briefly (just long enough to act fussy on our NanaCam and to eat 1/2 her bottle) and then hit the sack around 3. It's 4:50, and she's still out like a light. She'll be home from school tomorrow due to a 24-hour-fever-policy, and hopefully she and Daddy will get a little more playtime then.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Poor Hallie! Hopefully she'll perk up soon! Savannah was the same way, she always got a fever when she got several shots...and had to sleep it off. bless their hearts, it's hard being a baby! haha