As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Timely Observation

As I was outlining Insurance Law today, I had a small realization: I never hear watch alarms anymore.

Does anyone else remember when watch alarms used to go off in public places? I can remember a few years ago when watch alarms would beep rudely at noon every Sunday to not-so-discretely let the preacher know he had gone past his time limit. I haven't heard one in quite a while.

Now perhaps they have been replaced with the inescapable ringing cell phones--which ring in class, in church, in meetings, in movies... It's definitely not a good trade-off.

So, am I making this up? Have watch alarms ceased, or have they just been drowned out by the hip hop rings of cell phones?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my theory, for what it's worth - people don't have watches anymore. Well, I take that back - people have decorative watches, but not functional ones. Why do they need watches when they have a cell phone in their pocket/purse that they can use for a clock???