As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

All About Brooksie

This sweet face has to share the blog with two very active sisters.

It seems he doesn't get adequate time in the spotlight.  And so, today, a post just about my sweet boy who is going to be 2 in March!  I can't even believe this.  Soon there won't be any babies in my house anymore, and I get all wobbly just thinking about it.  And then I remember that I'll get to throw out the diaper genie, eat meals with both hands, and (maybe one day) finish a sentence.  And my equilibrium returns.

Anyway, more about this Sunshine...

My little guy has started talking, and he has quite a bit to say!  Being of the destructive sort, he often says, "I break it" while holding the pieces to a previously assembled object.  He also frequently says yells "No, no, Archie!"  Poor dog.  He calls both of his sisters, whether together or separate, "HallieSawah."  And then there's his favorite, "He-y otter," complete with wave, when we pass the waterworks ponds on 280 every day.

Brooks is very opinionated.  (Nothing like 3 for 3 on this statistic, no?)  He has definite ideas about his milk cup, his jacket, his shoes and socks, and even what songs are played in the car.  These opinions are not always articulated clearly, which leads to a lot of angst when Mommy is too dense to interpret them.

I mentioned his penchant for destruction.  One unnamed grandmother described him as "hell on wheels" over Christmas, and, well, I can't argue with that.  I always thought moms of boys were a little dramatic when they talked about the differences between boys and girls.  I have a highly active firstborn daughter, and just couldn't imagine it would be that different.  Note:  I am now admitting my folly on the worldwide web.  It. Is. Different.  If B is out of my line of sight for more than 2 minutes, I become very concerned that something is now broken.  Or, like the other night, that I will enter the playroom to find him STANDING on a table, so that he can clear the stuffed animals off of a shelf in one swoop.  His level of "active" far surpasses even Hallie's, and if I stayed home I would lose 30 pounds, I'm sure of it, just from chasing him.

Last but best, Brooks is an affectionate thing, and he unabashedly loves his Mama!  Which means he's also smart. 

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