As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

The Streak

For the second time this week, Sara came cruising through the den in just a shirt tonight...meaning no diaper. Hallie followed close behind, holding the diaper and proclaiming that Sara needed a new one. Both times, I had changed Sara about 5 minutes earlier.
There are a couple of things that amaze me about this: (1) we have not had an accident sans diaper either of these two times (thank goodness), and (2) how the heck does Hallie manage to get Sara to lie still long enough to get the diaper off of her?? We have enough trouble when we're changing her, and we can (sort of) hold her down!
Needless to say, Hallie has been explicitly instructed not to take Sara's diaper off anymore. But just wait till poor little helpless Brooks arrives on the scene. She'll be giving him bottles and stripping him down every time we look the other direction. Guess I'll just have to start wearing him in a sling 24/7 to protect him from his very helpful sister!

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