As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Sometimes, it's very hard to believe that my little Bug is two years old. Seems like I will blink and open my eyes to see a five year old skipping around my house (or sassing around my house--just depends on the day). Her birthday, though, meant that it was time for her annual checkup. So she went to see Dr. Anderson on Wednesday morning.
Hallie weighs 28 pounds, 14 ounces, and is 34 1/2 inches tall. That's the 75th percentile on both. It seems her tubes are no longer functional (one has fallen out), but her ears actually look pretty good. And other than a yucky little cold, she is practically perfect in every way.
She got her last shot until she is 5! Yay! And even more impressive--she didn't even cry. She just watched the nurse give it to her and then examined the fun little band-aid she got afterward. She was also excited because everyone at the doctor's office gave her stickers. Pretty sure my car is still covered with them, actually. All in all, it was a successful doctor's visit, and she is in good shape for yet another year.

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