As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Moms Say the Darn'dest Things

Sometimes I hear myself say bizarre things to my kids. As an example, I offer several statements I made in the last three hours. I promise they are not the weirdest (or the most exasperated) things I said since picking up children from school. They are simply the ones I in my child-induced amnesia can recall at the moment...

"No. I don't want to 'fetch.'"

"Brooks, get your fingers out of your ketchup."

"Yep. You look just like Superman."

"Keep your earwax to yourself!"

"Don't touch the ketchup."

"The news is not child-appropriate television."

"You may have been on green light at school but you are so on yellow light with me."

"If you touch that ketchup again I'm throwing all of your food in the trash!"

Happy Thursday!

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