As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Zoo Party!

Hallie had her zoo birthday party yesterday, and it was great!  Despite the dire warnings of showers during the party, which greatly alerted her parents, the birthday girl pulled off her party with nary a drop of rain and some nice overcast skies that kept the temperature just right.  My three musketeers played around with the balloons and party decorations while the grown-ups set up the party.

Pierce was our first party guest, and she and Hallie discussed which masks they should try.

The birthday girl doted on our littlest party guest.  This was A.J.'s first zoo trip--I have a feeling it won't be his last.

Daddy put his hot air to good use filling up the zebra balloons.  :)

Gigi and Grumpy were a huge help, as always.  They helped set up and cleaned up our party while we herded the kiddos to the zoo entrance.  THANK YOU Gigi and Grump!

Getting ready to hit the zoo after cupcakes and ice cream!

The adventure was kinda lost on A.J.  But he wins easiest party guest by far.  We didn't even have to include him in our constant headcount!

We waited for the train for quite a while.  I think the big question Bossypants is asking is, "Who wants to ride on the train with the birthday girl??  Raise your hands!"  Bless Pierce and Lucy for playing along enthusiastically.

Almost our turn...

All Aboard!

After our sweet party guests left, the girls and I hung around a little while with Uncle Ted and Carolyn.  We rode a camel!  And H figured out how to make her sunglasses just chic.

While we played with Ted and Carolyn, Jason took home a super-worn-out party guest.  He fell asleep in the car with his glasses on and took a four hour nap.

It was a perfect morning!  Happy early birthday to my sweet five year old!  (This will not be the last birthday-related post of the week or even month, as there are other mini-celebrations planned.)

1 comment:

Courtney said...

looks like fun, Happy Birthday Hallie!!! :)