As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Chip to My Old Block

On the way to school today.  Hallie has already gotten in trouble for coloring on the van upholstery and is facing a whole week without pens or markers at home as her punishment.  A fate worse than death for the little scribe.

Hallie:  Mommy, I know how to spell "bows."

Mommy:  How, Hallie?

Hallie:  B-O-B-S.

Mommy, realizing we've just passed a store with Bob's in the name:  No, honey.  That's Bob's.  You spell "bows" B-O-W-S.

Hallie:  No.  It's B-O-B-S.

Mommy:  No, Hallie.  It's not.  It's B-O-W-S.  Unless you're a kid named "Bo" and you're talking about something that belongs to Bo.  Then it's B-O-S.

An argument ensues, from which I will spare you.  But know that it included claims that I was "being mean" because I "didn't believe in" her.  And that she was not going to "believe in" me either.  Whatever that means.  

I tried to end the discussion, finally just saying "ok."  This was wholly insufficient, as it was important that I actually BELIEVE her.  Not just that I not argue with her about the spelling.

After a bit, she acknowledged that she did not actually know how to spell "bows."

Mommy:  That's ok, Hallie.  I can teach you.  You can learn how to spell "bows."

Hallie:  But I want to KNOW.

Mommy:  Hallie, that's how you know something.  You have to learn it.  People are not born knowing things.  I know it may feel that way to you because you learn things so quickly, but the only way to know something is to learn it.  Mommy learns things every day.

Hallie:  You're a grown-up.  You don't learn.

Mommy:  Yes, I do.  I hope that you will learn your whole life.

Hallie, wailing:  I don't want to LEARN!  I want to KNOW!

I sighed.  She reverted back to her insistence that she was right about the spelling of "bows."  Desperate to end the argument, I asked her if she would believe her teacher if her teacher told her that "bows" is not spelled B-O-B-S.  She said no, and I dropped her off at school still mad at me.

There is family legend regarding a similar incident with her mommy and the pronunciation of the word "sword" many years ago.  Even disbelieving the dictionary, much to my grandfather's frustration.  Silly "w."

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