As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It Was Bound To Happen

Jason took Hallie to the doctor this morning after she was sent home from school with 102.4 fever yesterday afternoon. Sure enough, she has another ear infection. The doc said it's an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. So, she's on another antibiotic.

And...we're officially in tube territory. No great shock to anyone in my family--some genes just die hard. We don't yet know when she'll be getting tubes, but I'm planning to call her pediatrician tomorrow to talk it over. We'll keep you posted.


Courtney said...

awe, bless her heart! hope she's not in too much pain! keep us posted.

The Groves said...

Poor baby :(
I just found out the other night that I was on antibiotics for the first 9 months of my life for ear infections but the last antibiotic I was on for a month and I was cured. So I guess Hallie is getting it from both the Heads and the Manlys. I will say some prayers that maybe Hallie bug will feel better soon. Love you guys!