As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Where the Boys Are...

I've said lots of things about Hallie, but I'm pretty sure I've never called her a "troublemaker" before. But I think it's a fair description this week.

Last night, Jason asked Hallie for a kiss. She gave him one and then announced proudly, "I kiss Joe." Joe, you may remember, was her cute little boyfriend in her class last year. (I note that the continual, present form of "kiss" doesn't necessarily mean she kisses him regularly or anything--we don't do past tense yet.) Anyway, Jason was a little taken aback. I asked Hallie about it this morning, she confirmed it, and then I asked her what Joe did when she kissed him. She said he pushed her. Trying not to laugh, I explained that we really weren't supposed to kiss at school and that she should probably just hug him next time. She did not seem at all moved by this explanation and continued to say that she wants to hug and kiss Joe. I dropped it.

Well, when Jason took the girls to school this morning, he asked Miss Malania about the incident and Malania told him that Hallie actually kissed her friend Drake on the playground yesterday. This is interesting to me for several reasons: (1) apparently Drake kissed her back---aaagh!, and (2) Hallie was very convinced that she had kissed Joe and he had pushed her in response, which makes me think that perhaps she kissed them both! Oh, dear!

So, I have not yet decided whether to continue the anti-kissing dialogue at home or to drop it completely, since discussing it may make Hallie all the more inclined to kiss the boys. But in any event, I miss my little girl who ran away from a little boy trying to kiss her a couple of weeks ago. And where in the world did all the kissing toddlers come from? They seem to be on the prowl!

We need to get to the "boys are gross" stage, and FAST!

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