As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


So I won't forget. Today consisted of...

Sara sleeping in.
Me sleeping in.
Hallie's colored picture "for mommy's office."
Girls in matching navy and red dresses for church (although only one wore a pink cast on her arm)
Brooks singing "Bless the Lord, oh my Soul" with me in church (and rejoicing that the "boys" were "louder than the mommies" due to the all-male praise band today).
Brooks sleeping on me in church.
A sermon reminding us that we are extravagantly loved.
Yummy casserole that I didn't make.
A relatively clean house.
A picnic in my front yard, complete with little faces dripping with strawberry Popsicles and silly laughter. And more than one proclamation that this was "A Great Day!"
Time on the porch with Jason, talking about the week ahead and watching tv.

Plagued by the occasional whiny interlude, some sibling strife, and a few reportedly mutant bugs that sent my girls running in and out of the house all afternoon, this was not a perfect day. But it was truly great, and I am so thankful.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

sweet :)