As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Breakfast Banter

Sara, pouting:  But I don't want to eat it!

Mommy:  Sara, you chose that [granola] bar.  You have to eat it.

S:  You are NOT the best mommy.  I wish I lived with Gigi!

M, smirking:  I've lived with Gigi.  She would make you eat the bar too.  And I can assure you Grumpy would make you eat it.

S:  [pause]  Well, Mama Pat would give me whatever I want.

Obviously I had no retort for this, because she's right.  So instead I expressed my sympathies that she does not get to live at Pat Pat's house, the Land of Plenty.


Gigi said...

hahaha. so very true.

Natalie Corinne said...

haha, Anita, this is priceless. I am terrified/excited for when my 7 week old can start talking and having opinions but omg your kids are too adorable!