For the second day in a row, I have gotten one bag of Peanut M&M's for the price of two. Yesterday, when I went to the vending machine and looked for a snack that would quench my need for chocolate and not push me over my carb-limit for the day, I opted for a snack containing relatively low-carb peanuts (Note: I am not endorsing M&M's as health food here...I'm just saying they help me cope with the blood sugar problem without imposing too much guilt). When I put my $.60 into the machine, and the bag of M&M's got stuck, I was slightly annoyed. So, I got back on the elevator, rode the three flights up to my office, and retrieved more change.
Convinced that I would regain my original loss by getting two bags of M&M's, I put another $.60 into the machine. Of course, one fell down and the second bag hung by a thread in the machine. After weighing my options, I decided that a pregnant woman should not take on a very heavy vending machine. So, I ate some chocolate and resolved to let it go. Besides, there were people in the breakroom.
Then there was today.
This time, I rode the elevator downstairs. As I looked at the vending machines, I had an epiphany: I'm not letting that machine take my money again. I was going to use the OTHER vending machine to get today's chocolate-y goodness. (I'm smarter than the average bear, you see.)
But, when I put my $.60 into the machine, ... it happened again. Again the M&M's hung by a corner in this second machine. Since no one was present in the breakroom, I decided that perhaps it was time to take care of this little problem. So, I shook the vending machine. Not violently, but enough that the law of gravity should have prevailed. Alas, no M&M's.
So, as you probably guessed, I am again eating a bag of M&M's, which I paid for twice. And no, I didn't get my compensatory second bag today either. It's still hanging in the machine, waiting to fall for some lucky person who has been getting two bags of M&Ms for the price of one this week.
So, whoever you are, oh favored one, you owe me two bags of M&M's and counting. And to my esteemed vending machine operator man, I suggest that you revisit the Judicial Building after May 4th.
This pretty much sums up my feelings on the subject.)